Inventive Financial Facilitation. As a high net worth individual, you’re not just buying insurance for death protection. You’re buying insurance to fulfill your living investment, tax and legal strategies. Begin with the end in mind and use discretion when selecting financial professionals and products. Ask the following:
Will this broker be around in five years or am I at risk of becoming an orphaned policyholder? Is this company staffed by a team of professionals who will answer my calls and solve my problems? Does this broker have experience finding products for high net worth individuals?
Is this product offered by a safe, secure and stable insurance carrier? Will this company continuously monitor my progress and help to maximize my investment results?
If you choose Simkowitz & Co, here are just a few of the small ‘victories’ you’ll enjoy: Purposeful product placement with stable, reputable carriers Impeccable service from a team of professionals that specialize in helping high net worth clients Vigilant monitoring through our exclusive “Policy Watch” that includes database-driven tracking to ensure that you always enjoy a positional advantage
